Friday, December 17, 2021


 Hi Friends,

I’m back w/ episode 3 of what is shaping up to be a “Holiday Series” on the state of LGB  TQness from the inside and the outside.

Without further adoo-doo I want to introduce you to a Triad of TERFs whose voices rise above the rest. They’re critical! They’re smug! They’re special! And they’re always right because they have all the facts you could ever want on gender!  Please welcome —

Kellie-Jay Keen

TT Exulansic



Yes, one of our TERFs is indeed a Karen. Karen Davis to be exact. I have given you the real names of these women in case you want to experience them for yourselves. However, when I write about them down below I will be using cutesy little nicknames for them, and I will also be misgendering them, just as they insist on doing to the trans folks they talk about.


Let’s start with Mr. Keen, whom I will heretofore refer to as HOSEY HARKER:

Hosey Harker is a British TERF whose smugness is matched only by his technical inabilities. I’ve had to stop watching his videos because it’s embarrassing to see him fumble with the technology, bobbling his blond Monroesque head saying “Oh my, what am I doing?” Plus all he does now is thank his army of haters for their cash donations and beg everyone to buy his merch.

But let’s start at the beginning. Hosey Harker was a progressive left feminist until one day a trans woman showed up at the feminist rally Mr. Harker was attending and dared to say things that didn’t align with Mr. Harker’s idea of what a feminist should be. Now this trans woman may or may not have been out of line. She may or may not have been an autogynephile. She may or may not have been wearing “woman face”, which is how Mr. Harker describes trans women who wear too much make up and sexy clothes w/out bothering to shave or get surgery, making “womanhood” into some kind of drag farce.

I was not at the meeting and I don’t have the facts. I have to rely on what Mr. Harker has said about it. 

Unfortunately, around this same time, a couple of things happened in the UK that brought negative attention onto the trans community. Karen White, a trans woman who was an inmate at a woman’s prison, raped other inmates whilst there; you can read about it here—

Aside from the obvious tragedy resulting from this bureaucratic error, another thing about this Karen that stood out to me was that she — stood out. She had a history of prior violence; she seemed “off” to her psychologist, ie different from other trans patients; she was jailed for a very violent crime and probably should’ve been confined from the rest of the prisoners whether she was in a men’s or women’s facility.

Another thing that happened in the UK around this time was the case of Keira Bell. Bell was a depressed and dysmorphic teenager who sought help from Britain’s Tavistock Gender Clinic. This clinic operates on an “affirmative care” model, which means that anyone who walks through their doors must have gender identity issues significant enough that no questions are asked — they are immediately “affirmed” as the opposite gender and practically pushed into treatments like hormone blockers, HRT, & surgeries.

Bell went through all the “trans rites” I mentioned in my previous blog and she still was not feeling that she fit into society any better as a male. You can read here about the lawsuit she brought against the Tavistock clinic, and how the initial ruling in her favor was overturned recently —

Anyhoo, back to Mr. Hosey Harker. He really felt that his lifelong identity as a feminist was being hijacked by not only autogynephilic trans women (and in Mr. Harker’s mind it seems all trans women are autogynephiles) but by those doctors and lawyers on the left who enable them. So now he is a right wing gatekeeper of feminist politics, his central purpose being to define the word WOMAN.

I ask you dear readers, what do you think the word WOMAN means?

(and you can be as snarky about that as you want. But then give it some serious thought and see what you come up with.)

Obviously a woman is an adult human female, as Mr. Harker and the dictionary agree. But what is a human female? Someone who can give birth? Not all human females can do that. Someone with XX chromosomes? For the most part this is true, but there are female-identified humans who have variations on this chromosomal combination. It’s hard to draw the line, even medically. It’s much harder to do so legally. 

But Mr. Hosey Harker seems to think defining womanhood is as easy as misgendering transwomen and wearing a black T-shirt that states in bold sequin lettering “WOMAN = adult human female”

Of the three TERFs I’m profiling here, I think Hosey Harker is my least favorite, because he doesn’t seem to have the intellectual capacity of the other two. He seems very emotionally strung out about his “special women-only spaces” being taken over by this cavalcade of perverts that don’t really exist. Are there autogynephiles out there who put on “woman face” just to assert themselves into women’s spaces? Yes, a few cases have been documented. But this is not a fair representation of trans women on the whole, and I’m sorry that the few known cases have frightened Mr. Harker so badly and that he is so emotionally fragile about his womanhood that he’s now a hateful TERF with a big loud lipsticked mouth, shouting about who qualifies as female and who doesn’t.


So now let’s talk about Mr Exulansic, whom I will heretofore call PP Sexual Antics:

Mr Sexual Antics actually seems like an interesting fellow. He is a speech pathologist and knows lots about voices and vocal maladies and why trans people talk in “tranny voice”. He has extensive medical knowledge, beyond just voice stuff. He knows a lot about THE SURGERIES, and can rhapsodize in fluent medicalese about why it’s not a good idea to take a scalpel to the pelvic floor of anyone, or what long term effects hormone blockers can have on the entire endocrine system (gender hormones are not the only hormones flowing through our human meatsacks). Mr Sexual Antics also studied languages along the way and is very clever with the word play — touche Mr SA !! Good one! Ouch. Anyway…he entertains while he makes his salient points.

Another very important thing about Mr Sexual Antics is that he once suffered from gender dysphoria. He is a rare specimen who succumbed to conversion therapy — I’m not sure where or how — but he had a psychologist who was not gender-affirming, and questions were asked and realizations were made, and poof, Mr SA’s gender dysphoria was cured and he was content with living the rest of his life as a woman, bypassing the option of becoming a lifelong hormone patient. Good for him! I am genuinely happy that he found a solution for his gender dysphoria that didn’t involve being medicalized for a lifetime. Except maybe he will be on anti depressants forever?

Mr Sexual Antics seems like a rather bitter person. He became a presence on youtube, TikTok and Twitter, he claims, to strike out at the medical professionals who are ruining the lives of young people. He is contemptuous of the gender therapists who use the affirmative model. He is livid at the surgeons who carve up healthy genitals only to have to repair and revise their work over & over. This seems pretty noble to me — to place the blame for negligence on the professionals who act negligently. Fair enough.

But Mr. Sexual Antics is also pretty hateful toward the young trans people he purports to care about. He mocks their videos. He misgenders them. He thinks every trans person should be converted by therapy rather than be on hormones forever. He thinks gender dysphoria is just depression gone wild, and kids are too stupid to realize this for themselves and give themselves over to the medical monsters who want to capitalize on them. He snickers when a trans kid is on his/her third surgery & still maintains no regrets about it.

Mr Sexual Antics is particularly obsessed with Jazz Jennings, whom he sees as the ultimate sacrificial lamb to the trans medical machine. Not to mention the media machine.

I have followed the story of Jazz’s life since she was a 6-yr-old being interviewed by Barbara Walters. Because when I saw that interview I saw me as a 6-yr-old, desperately wishing for a second chance to be born as a boy instead of a girl. I saw the look on little Jazz’s face and saw the same deep sorrow that I felt about my gender at that age. 

[There are many opinions out there about “who is really trans?” “how can someone know from such a young age that they are not a boy or a girl?” “what criteria do professionals look for when diagnosing a person as Trans?” There are people who believe that gender dysphoria must be present — that it is the very condition that marks the need to medically transition. There are others who believe that dysphoria does not need to be a factor — a person just needs to feel euphoria about being the opposite gender. The people, like me and Jazz, who knew from the time they could talk that they were in the wrong body, are sometimes dubious of the people who experience Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria (ROGD). It’s not just the surgeries that are still in their experimental phases — it’s the whole ideology around gender that’s not quite understood by anyone, really. By a few very insightful people, maybe. It’s all very complicated and there is no right answer…yet.]

Jazz has grown up on television, which I have no doubt is the greatest contributor to the mental health issues I’ve watched her struggle with. Mr Sexual Antics seems to think it has more to do with puberty blockers (Lupron) and an over-involved family dynamic. Mr SA says that Jazz’s mother has Munchausen-by-proxy, and that she is the one who pressured Jazz into transition and surgeries, so that she could reap all the sympathy and admiration that comes with having a trans child. I totally agree that Jazz’s mom is way too involved in her daughter’s private life. But I totally disagree that she pushed Jazz in any way. I think she supported Jazz in her identity as a girl, and kind of let Jazz lead the way (which has also been criticized by many).

Also, I believe that the sadness that comes with being gender dysphoric at such a young age never leaves you. You can take hormones, you can have surgeries, you can dance, you can do art, you can do sports…but somewhere inside you lives that prehistoric sorrow of being born wrong. It can be managed, it can be molded & directed & channeled any which way, but there are times when it’s just going to flare up, where it will be recalled by old neural pathways you thought you’d paved over. And I think that’s what Jazz is experiencing right now.

Just for the record, Jazz started puberty blockers at 11. She had been depressed many times as a child, and continued to have depressive episodes throughout her teens, even after starting HRT. Shortly before her 18th birthday (which I agree is too soon) she had her first gender confirmation surgery (vaginoplasty). It was all televised, including the doctor visits where they determined that the puberty blockers had stunted the growth of her male genitals enough to be a problem for constructing proper female genitals from them. There was footage from the operating room. There was footage of doctors advising her to go off the estrogen to allow for some growth of the male genitals. There was footage of a few doctors advising her to wait on the surgery until it was a little more fine-tuned. But Jazz chose to go right ahead and have experimental surgery in June of 2018. She didn’t want to go off hormones and risk any facial hair or deepened voice.  So the surgeons did the best they could with what they had to work with.

The smuggest post op photo I could find --Back at ya terfs!

And there were complications. And more surgeries. I think she had a total of three surgeries to get a functional and aesthetic vagina. And she was on pain medication. And she was on bed rest. And she had to dilate herself three times a day. And she had to apply to colleges. And she got into Harvard but wasn’t sure she could go because her surgical wounds were not all the way healed, and she was still on medication, and on TV, and on & on & on…Do you see what I’m saying? Wouldn’t anyone be depressed and anxious in the face of all that? I would! In fact I did go through a period of depression after my (single) top surgery. It’s a big deal, and then it’s over…and you kind of come crashing down from it.

It surprises me that PP Sexual Antics can’t account for all that emotional turbulence, and tries to paint Jazz as the poster child of her mother’s Munchausen syndrome and the surgeons’ predatory egos. PP SA was himself gender dysphoric at one time — is he just feeling a little jealous? He calls the medicalization of trans people a “church” and a “cult” but I think he was just converted by a different “church” whose believers embrace “harsh scientific truth” as their God and don’t allow for the more diaphanous aspects of human nature.

Anyway, I don’t hate PP Sexual Antics as much as the other two TERFs. I allow for his smugness because he really is as smart as he thinks he is. But sometimes being too smart, too factual, closes you off from your humanity. It’s a delicate balance — I love science, and facts, but I also know that there are bits of being human that are indefinable, that defy scientific scrutiny or factual pedantry.

Farewell, Mr PP Sexual Antics. Enjoy your time in Twitter jail.

Woo-hoo, now it’s time to talk about KAREN, whom I will refer to as Ziwe’s Kanundrum:

Oh what can I say about Ziwe’s Kanundrum??? Well I’ll tell you this — he is a black TERF named Karen. So much kanundrum!

Like Hosey Harker, ZK pretty much thinks all trans women are autogynephilic perverts. But like PP Sexual Antics, ZK is a fairly educated, talented, funny person. He is a music teacher who plays guitar and keyboards and writes some clever songs about being a TERF.

It’s harder to argue against or discredit TERFs (terves, as ZK calls them) when they are witty and charming, and when they are friends with other reputable intellectuals like Ute Hagen.

I’m not sure how ZK and Ute Hagen became friends, but I imagine it was through the academic pipeline. I remember Ute Hagen giving a theater lecture at FSU when I was a student there so many years ago. So these two creative academics are good friends and make videos together. And it so happens that Ute Hagen is a “trans widow”. That means that her husband of many years suddenly came out as a trans woman, and he was indeed of the autogynephilic persuasion. Sadly, he insisted on Ute participating in new and strange sexual configurations that were never before part of their marriage, and which were really against her will. She finally had to admit that their marriage was over, that there was no “working things out” with her husband, and what he was doing to her was toxic and abusive.

“Trans widowhood” is common when one partner in a relationship comes out later in life, well into the marriage, and the other partner cannot adjust to the change. Not all of these situations involve autogynephilia however. Perhaps through his association with Ute, ZK formed the opinion that the vast majority of trans women are homewrecking, wife abusing perverts. 

ZK is a bit of a bully. He sings his TERF songs loud and proudly, he misgenders and provokes and insults the bodies of the trans women who populate youtube and twitter (most of whom are not representative of what an average real-life trans woman is). He likes to take down the white male pervs with his astounding musical ability and wit.

The worst thing about Ziwe’s Kanundrum is that he is so blinded by his own splendor he fails to see the HUGE picture all around him — that far from being all white male perverts, trans women are usually just nice ladies who come in all shades of pink, brown, black, turquoise and ochre. That far from always being the perpetrators of sexual abuse/violence, trans women are usually the victims of such violence. He may be shocked to discover that there are trans women as smart and talented as he is, who don’t spend their days putting on “woman face” and traipsing into locker rooms to expose their “peens.”

SO…that’s all I will say about the Triad of TERFS. I did not include the most famous TERF of all — JK Rowling — because she is pretty boring as TERFs go. Her stance may be much more damaging due to her high visibility but she only strikes occasionally on Twitter and I don’t want to give her any more “air time” than she already gets. 

As for Dave Chappelle — I really don’t think he is Team TERF. I think he only has half an understanding of what a TERF is. I think he is a former transphobe who recognizes that he was woefully under-informed about true trans experiences. I do think his friendship with his token trans friend fostered in him a desire to be more tolerant. I think like most straight men, his fear of trans women came from an overtly sexual place. We all know straight men are terrified of being duped into anything that resembles homosexuality. And that’s what trans women represent to a lot of straight men. Just like TERFs think trans women are autogynephilic pervs who want to invade their spaces, straight men think trans women are homosexuals who want to trick them into doing gay stuff.

I thought I could wrap up this “Holiday Series” in 2 or 3 episodes, but I do feel I have more to say about Detransitioners, Autogynephiles, Surgeries and the Conservative Movement within the trans community. I’m chronicling all this stuff not just for yall’s entertainment, but for my own enlightenment. I can get way too complacent about the state of things in my own little bubble and I need a reality check on occasion.

P.S. I had my first colonoscopy this week! And it was not without some drama. I may tell you all about it in the next episode. HERE in the Octopus Diary.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, keep it coming Vin. This is a very complicated topic that your deep understanding bring clarity or at least the beginnings of understanding. Humans are very complicated and diverse which is what makes them most human indeed. The narrow mindedness of ignorant people is more understandable, but you are right that the ignorance of intelligent and/or intellectual people speaks to a deeper flaw in the human experience. This I believe is more a product of society and less of personal disfunction. We all want to fit in someway. Especially in a way that feels right for us, the individual doing the feeling. Unfortunately society rewards bad behavior especially in this age of information overload and easy access to misinformation (or mister-information)that corrupts and destroys individual identity and uniqueness.

    Non conformist are in danger of extinction and are defiantly being persecuted and it seems to me the Transgender Community is the vanguard of this struggle that attacks all free thinking individuals who see themselves as who they truly are and embrace that uniqueness. Sorry for the tiraid but sometimes your eloquent musings inspire me to get up, stand up, standup for our rights!

    Please do not stop you wonderful blog. Like little birdies we wait for each wiggling worm to nourish our starving souls. Also, the art work and photos are crazy cool and each bring visual punctuation to your narrative. Keep on making the world a better place one word at a time!
