Saturday, March 31, 2018


Oh Happy Easter Bunny Eve—here are your Vogon poems from March

ALSO….be very excited,

for next week you’ll be feasting your eyes on THE OCTOPUS REVIEW #4

and friends, it’s gonna be good

******************* VOGON*****************

Why did people used to seem 
So flat & made of cardstock?
Suddenly I’m left
W/ your origami on my hands

My endocrines wetting
Your edges
Little qabbalistic ladders
In your palms

Climbing their own rungs
It’s a hard thing to see
How real you all are
Harder even to feel

Each 3d being
Becoming 3d
Your body part cliches—
Cups for ears dull knives for tongues—

Come too close
Your mouth is advertising 
Not for sex, or food
But privacy

Don’t speak to me that way
My skin is scrolling past your image
Sitting at a restaurant
W/ tape over your face

How do we do it? Hiding 
Our infinity in these glove compartments?



These are the ones who
Make good neighbors
The lazy :: the lonely
The nurses :: the novelists
The lusty
The feline

The men who hate to saw
The sunrise in half & leave
The grass intact

Each morning I pray
For 15 minutes alone w/ the planet
So I can see what silence
Looks like

So I can bleach its basins,
Straighten furniture along the fault lines
Sweep warzone ash into urns

Before everyone gets shook
From the folded wings
Of the angel who made my prayer happen

— — — 

I love a silence but not a terminal one

I still want you to fling the door open every night

Owl hoot instead of human greeting

I don’t know when I noticed the neighbor was missing

Her trashcans painted w/ hearts rolled empty on the curb

We barely spoke, but always waved

I liked that arrangement

She doesn’t know it but she was part of my healing

Everything I came in contact with when we 

First moved here healed me

The neighborhood cats (which have

Somehow morphed into dogs), the owls,

The ospreys, the peacocks,

The abundance of female neighbors

(which have somehow morphed into males,

Including me, but in a totally different way)

Anyway, I’ll miss her

Faraway but visible,

The last person on earth smoking

Cigarettes on her porch



Don’t brag about your
Concentric vagina(s)
Opening sesame for a missile delivery

Your defense a concentric
Pentagram not honeycomb
Of exit wounds

Stop sign closest to WH
Is an intercept
Hailing Mary through some 
Pretty dark ages

You may give birth
To infants infinitely nesting in 1 another



Volcanic plumage
Bright beaks of fire
Peck at seedling stars
Spreading cursed chicken feet
Across a rusty river
An adjective existence…


O little soundbite
Spread thin across the pages
Of lips all wearing the same
Bullethole shade
Bending the same
Rio Grande way…



O Bethlehem
Big sad bedlam
Propped up by an ottoman
Scimitar held in the steady hand
Of a Russian honeycomb sound-bitten mastermind

(I just like the word mastermind—like there’s a big mind out there that opens all the others)



My inner kitten wants to play
But my elder cat says no dice no eights or aces
No polonium in bed

Just a mushroom cloud hanging 
Like a brain on its stem
Motion sickness
Picture it—concentric tree rings
Confessing everything

Crying man tears from all 3 eyes

Hamilton re-run
Washington skyline
Penchant for foam fights &
Wearing a manbun

(yes it’s one word, syntax nazionalist, 
Lacking life experience, recruited too easily
Into the flames,

Heat, elbowing)

Delinquent clairvoyant! Don’t compare
Domestic discord w/ sacrifice
To the warm-a-sheen
Permafrost to chicken feed



[Repetitive calligraphic pattern]

— a pattern from a childhood
Sewing machine

Plastic needle
Typing f-hole seahorses
Through an unforgiving fabric

I made a pillow

I sacrificed it to the dog who wanted to eat me

He chewed the little girl out of it

And left a short, striped, lopsided man

Speaking of eat,
When’s the last time I was called ‘ma’am’
At a restaurant?

Aug 25’17 time-stamped onto my ego
Speaking of unforgiving fabrics—neoprene!

That bitch has been grudging on me since 
I drowned in Bryant Park

Tonite we went out
I got called ‘you’ & ‘guy’
But not ‘ma’am’ ‘sir’ or ‘chump’

We ordered pescatarian
And pink cupcakes
And no one called us ‘ma’am’

Can I tag your swollen ego glands?
No? It’s no longer awkward
Between us

You know what helps?
Wearing solid colors
Green w/ green; navy w/ navy

Girl-me would’ve been appalled
By this bland apparel
I barely remember her

But my heart still purrs over
Kittens sleeping in the window
Next to the coquettish cupcake shop

Where the moon was a sir
But I was the authority on sugar,
He on spice;

I on snails made of frosting,
He on puppies made of paper
I saw so many unfolded origami souls

Crowded into a room
We usually have to ourselves
In the lounge w/ mirrored pillows

No house drowns the 4 top
Saying public grace
The Piscean birthday diagonal

And blocking every tray
Balancing fire,
Water, earth & meat

In India you
Dance freely w/ the bulls
Poop on the street
Put milk in your tea

I’ll wait 10 hours to see a doctor who’ll
Lie to me

It’s hard to have an answer ready
For a question like “Do you want to
Have a seat at the bar?”



What kind of Pisces am I?
A really sober unfun one

My imagination is full of fluid

Guarding a truth
(or untruth)
Is the heaviest sword to hang
From a strand of hair

Cruel & unusual

![exclamation wand]!

Birdin’ through desert skies
Soon to be sea-blue lava
Spinach-tooth dragon sick

Have we noticed yet
That all gameshow hosts are sadistic by nature?

Until we do, we’ll continue to make the same mistakes

Have we noticed the Triquetra 
Is a Trinity of vags

Until we do,
We’ll continue to be ruled by the Patriarchaeth—
phallus, Wallace & ankh

I’m not sure I’ve had any
Universal experiences
I feel like I still haven’t found words
For my experience

But in a dream I could speak
Lots of verbs,
Hard ‘I’s
No suicidal participle

The discipline
To dangle/
Lemonade overrated/
A pot of black tea
& tell yourself
A ghost story

Then call me
(please text actually)

(No, actually please
Write me a poem

Not a skinny story
But a poem

An almost-song
But way too hard to sing
In its indivisible time signature

Facebook me
King me
Check me
Mate me)

“Where would I be without you?”

Alexa:  1984




Me:  1984 never ended




Alexa:  Is this stunt poetry?

Me: Lonely doll, it’s a god-dong sonnet



Are you fucking kidding me??
How’d they hack your artificial heart?
They came to your door in the daytime

Have we figured out how they installed
That smartbell, how they chipped
The kilowatt hours?

Our house
Our green house
Our out-house 
Our pretty war
Our world below
What once was mine now = ours
I’m okay w/ that

A Cheney heartbeat away
From socialist bliss & merriment
To the Aeon of Sallie Mae

A decade of crying rusted your face
Your armored tear ducts robbed @ poignant inconvenient intervals
You weren’t being strong
You were just robbed of being young



You took many laps(es) round the sun
To process all your horrors
They kept your head in butcher shop conditions
OSHA came & went
W/ red bags
Full of your questionable unmentionables



If you are the lionizing force
That drew us together
Into that room
Into that circle
Into that narrow syringical
Cylindrical sub genre of psychology
Where we supported each other
By not making eye contact &
Respecting each others’ journeys

Thank you, lionizing force
I owe you my soul
Right after I die & punch God in the face



“Jasmine or wine? Jasmine. All the time.” ~ S. Youth

It’s Monday in my
Explosive Jarvik heart
I’m dying of Very Old Important cells
At the start of my artificial week
You can find me on WebMD
Diagnosing a zit as “mystery chip
Embedded in forehead.”

Peering through the grid
At a Very Special New witch hunt
Probing into private



How much autonomy will I lose
Now that we’ve agreed
To let go of our steering
Wheels @ once

Bumper cars & carousels unregulated
We looked for bodies,
Or hands at least



Coffee, sugar
Lo-fat rooster

A hamburger w/ eyes
I couldn’t eat

Lettuce, pray
Bless us Oh Lord
For the poison

For the throatful
Of microbes
Audio assault

Weaponized Madonna
(w/ childish gambino)




I got stoned at school today
A lottery of bloodspots & I won
Dark & round
Fair & square
Brown & diaphanous after a few days

Brung it up from the ground like death bubbles,
Tar dribbles
Brung it up from the pit of your pelvis
A mini-self, wooden & bulbous

That homunculus
Not viable outside the terminus
A wooden uterus
Holding stones
To arm the new class wars

Bulbous, legless dolls
Split their eggness
& give birth in the hall

…legless dolls
Too small
To press
To your breast



Each night I make plans to astral project

[I need aerial reassurance
The world’s not burning
I can’t tell what’s really happening
From inside the ocean]

Over people places & things
I need to see from a new angle

The ugly swarm of photons where healthy auras 
Used to float
The sidewalk sleepovers
The morgues, the nurseries empty
The newsrooms full of bodies

Mostly I cast a big shapely shadow
Where intelligence is beyond artificial
It’s a carcinogen

Fly on the horizon’s wall
Carpet sparks
Weeping pilot

Eyelids keep bugs out &
Vision in
Except during astral travel

Come on let’s go
Pendulum broadcast goodbye



If we call it ‘Satan’
Will they come?
Bearing crosses,
Celery hearts, or whatever
Shrinks the Master demon

Your voice beats me w/ its
Drumstick desperation

& NOW presenting the inside of my head!

and now the periphery

And now the contents scattered 
Shaken out of their grooves by
Internalized chemtrails

The bridges have splintered
Despite all the tolls you’ve paid

One day you’ll throw your prescriptions
Into that burping coin mouth


Exhausted post-cartomancy
My mystic mechanic gave me a discount

Practically a sacrifice

A definite surrender to the puppet witches
Whose pleated foreheads
Worry over a future they’ve been pinned to
Like voodoo moths

Like fabric family members ripped from their handouts [?]



I have no new art so here’s a photo of me for Trans Day of Visibility

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