Friday, March 9, 2018

February Vogon Overflow

Okay Friends—here’s what I’m gonna do. Every month I’ll post my stash of Vogon poetry. You in turn will be entertained to death. You’re welcome.

Here’s February’s


In those days I was the
Ace of Wands

Stirring the air around the fire
I didn’t enjoy their company. Period.

So I stirred the pot
Reactionary slop
Once they started swimming
The earth turned to roux

Let the wheel fling mud around
Drive in 1st gear over jagged waves
Knifing your useless tires

Refugees spilling off the lips
Of continents like bits of Andoullie sausage…

Noodles for life rafts
They won’t make it from…

Scratch that
Scratch everything from the
Seafoam to the bloodstained shore

Let’s just make dessert
8 blades on the new mixer
Why 2 helicopters instead
Of one wand?

Separate the eggs
Jiggle their parts back & forth
In their busted hemispheres

How thin is the cranium
Under a red square hat

A government confection
Waiting to crack

0203:0500a  **************

Do I make sense in the dark?
In 2037 we’ll be at war from Space

Same war, different theatre
From now until Jerusalem
Is moved to Oklahoma’s
Holy panhandle & the embassy to
The stovepipe of Texas

Usher in a new era of mindless
Sports fans & numb country stars
Cradling A-Ks & corpses
Moving Bethlehem to every
Golden uterus

0203:0500a  **********************

The mind is an amazing acrobat
Electric to the audience
Its infinite optic nerve
Meets on the trapeze with 
Another infinite optic nerve

They clasp-coalesce
For a first date
Where do they go?

To the internet for more infinity.

0203:0525a  *******************


What do you want a parade for? George Monkey Bush wanted us to go shopping,
Remember? Get away from the television & visit your local mall. The post 9-11 credo
That spawned our decade of excess — bags! shoes! doggies! surgery! reality!
Houses floating from coast to coast! Cavemen, embryos, octuplets,
The central male news anchor flanked by subordinate concubines!
Super hero franchises, selling your soul, HAVING IT ALL

(and I mean each & every one of those exclamation points ^^^)

Now that it’s 2018 I can’t wait to psychoanalyze the ‘00s
That fragile eggshell decade that turned us into Romans &
Ended in white collar collapse

Now this puddle of gumbo we call pre-Zident wants to throw a parade
To distract us from xyZ
A yuuuuge tremendous parade that stomps the sparks
From America’s carpet first then worms
Through Mexico ruining Maya, mashing the Ayahuasca forests
To green jelly, clearing the Antarctic arc & skidding blue-lipped
Off the earth’s bottom shelf;

A ferry to Tasmania, not shaven from the map, into Oz, no backing out
Island hopping over Micro-Macro-Indo-Hypo-Crypto-nesia
Don’t stop. Singapore. China {{{China China China}}}

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (a few more of these!)

Left, right, hup, hut, left, left sudden west to Pakistan—
—Arabian penis — African child-pirate clit-less tiny-holed rape-coast
Thru cannibal jungles (now that’s a deep state)

Worming, bugging, giraffing in circles, lionized, tigerfed, elephantine
Back up the ebony-moonlit-oyster-grey-then-ivory coast on up
Through the unrest to Iberia, drunken procession thru vineyards & Chunnel
& onto the fjords, impaled on the spires of Belarus
Beholding more purple mountains peopled by blood-lust
Down to their Italian boots

Zigging bird-like, marching murmuration thru the Ukrainian
Crime scene & across the Russian behemoth of unfunny ridiculous
Time zone proportion
To mega-disciplined Upper Korean peninsula/mystery
(how much mystery left in the world?)
Thru the demilitarized Olympic zone
Blast thru Tokyo like such an eyesore, such an anachronism
Youth culture returns home to stuff, wild parent animus,
Conditional emoji

Then jetlag up the ramp of ice that Sarah saw by northern light
Tread soft across Canada
March one tuba at a time across a wire
Over Niagara & land squarely back in Washington (deleted scene)

All predators X’d out & replaced by new guardians
Programmed not to look away, or buy the best blinders
Money can buy 

The country music scare of post 9-11 America?
I thought I wouldn’t survive hair metal or white suburban rap
Bring it back. Take it back. Give it back.



Oral hijinx
Pick @ your knees through skin-colored jeans
My microcosm was full of Easter eggs
I had to find before proceeding to Level 3
And while I looked hi & lo
You all giggled & snickered & clucked your hen tongues
Together in a vicious pointed kiss



Now afraid to do the things I once was proud to do
You get old & can’t unknow things
Can’t shake them away w/ songs & words anymore
It’s all stuck like a memo—do not REPEAT

Do mental pincers ever lose their rigor mortis?
It won’t unhappen w/out dementia, which I seem to have
Contracted (from using de mens room?) <<< i feel like I must 

point out that this is a joke ( a pun even) ^^^

Pleasure leaves a bruise; check your fruit
Where’s his cancery heart attack?
It’s waiting like winter to come—a ‘sexy’ subject
Said the Prez

I will deport you to the Church of your Choice
Amnesty—haha it’s a great thing isn’t it — 

A real estate dedicated to God
Can house the last tax free supper for a
Mexican rapist/father wearing the stripes of a 3rd grader
Skinny, handsome, sweaty w/
Response & abilities

The strength of a bear
To pull these stainless steel weeds — this is a lone phrase
On the prairie page

Dance w/ a devil, 2 gophers and 7 self-proclaimed world
Leaders & poets laureate along I-10
My Arizona friend
Image gallery.

Broken phrases at the rest stop
Numbers beyond 0s & 1s for human contact
Or non-laureate poetry left dangling
From its transmitter

I know I’m worth more wattage & better
Than taupe walls & no toilet paper
In reach

Whatever you need to tell me
Beneath cupped conspiratorial angel wings/singholes
Whisper it under the stall  Don’t be a perv
About it

How far will Starman go
Before alien magnets go in for a hug?
Crane-like atoms stack themselves into
Primrose bridges

There’s very little he can do to stop 
The curious buggers from Godding him, then
Looking for his eggshell bits &
Wondering who his mother is?

Crude error; real deception
Feline collusion;
Canine intrusion

Internet nipples banned
Also harsh truth & boundaries
Between body & imagination

You can be any 3 coordinates on the gender/race/wildcard axis



Fascinated by trees lately

Or should I say more fascinated by trees than ever
Always loved the things but knew
To pursue it would be ignorant,

Though at each tree’s fingertip
Grows a Valentine
I dared not compete

With landscapers, photographers
Scrape-kneed children valued outside their Xtian homes
I won’t even mention squirrels
Because you’ll think I’m changing the subject

The sexy subject
Seeing lights on @ the Capitol
Up late affixing riders
To a suite of bills

Candy instead of meat 
For their snapping jaws
Cinnamon-only Jelly Belly
PayDay, designer gums

Let’s regulate the toxic handshakes
That expand once they let go
Toxic building blocks 

Sprouting limbs unsure
Which sun they’re trying to reach
I’ve slept w/ trees (or in them)
No hammock between us

So it’s only natural
I protest this toxic environment
We can’t have big washed & manicured hands

Protecting our fairy rings



What do trees have to do

With governments or candy?

Corruption and innocence spectrum,
Where do you lie?

On the distal tips of the limbspan
(she would never say that)

They have branches & flavors

But no taste in all those buds



I can feel
I was not
To last 
50 years

My spark plugs! 
My motherboards!

My renaissance happened
My decline at a
Waterfall’s pace

I can’t wait to die



We’ve become so unpalatable to each other
W/ our recent demands
That we see each other as human

Russian dolls v. Russian trolls

All those brilliant words I lost
Between sheets,

Blown out the window of my head

The music Mozart failed to deliver

Try Rimsky-Korsakov instead
His biggest hits are the Rasputinite rhapsodies 1–9

Plus the Firing Squad Suite

Where the heroine drowns in an igloo
Whose climate changed

I am we and we are you and you are all


While I am here alone with someone’s
Egg, man

Interrupted by Risk
Whose national anthem will win?

Unscrew their heads to find
Their dossiers

Then knock on wood
W/ each knuckle
Bloody & fingerless

The rent is paid.



Your sons — I’ll call them
Hamburglar & Grimmis— have dossiers

Fingerprints the size of a LARGE PRINT
Edition of the People’s History for Libtards
Who want to cry about everything

Your ex , Hillary
Is not crooked
But cancerous
A vigilante
A ninja in an
Ivory pantsuit



Mozart died hating
Life & depleted of the
Keyboard courage—

No, that was Beethoven!

Mozart died telling fart jokes
He died a master scatologist
And he should’ve been a drummer


Certain words make the brain light up

The brightest word tonite is: DIPLOMAT


Easterquake non-yonder for
Whosoever the hell the bell tolls

I can damage my reputation 
Then rebuild it as the crooked birdhouse
That bit off a finger in shop class

Still blood-sprayed, but you love it!
It’s the tough facade you always wanted!

Establishing algorithms in the air
Between us
Test driving reckless hormones
Rocket masculinity v.
Designated fairy ring

I still exist on the spectrum
But not the one you’re thinking

The dumpster behind Sherwin-Williams
Held out color samples
Like finger bones in various states of decay

Mass grave of color, 
Eruption of shades & tints
Unbearable to eyes on treeless 

Lava clock
Vomit from a nipple
Bypass insular peninsula &
Move through the hour glass
Like a stealthy second hand

When does life return from commercial break?
I’ve been waiting since 1984…



Can’t you undo what
You didn’t do to begin with?
Dig deep into your oceans
Of fabric, skin, goo

The dangling
Luminescent eye of your good intentions
But no widening pupil



You won’t work at your shitty job forever
Your relationship will end
Your cat will die
But one thing is certain…

Your depression will persist
It will deepen
It will move from your prime
Electric panel
Down the tiny wires that string
Your spine
It’ll make your girlish hips ache
Even though youre a man
It’ll wake the thermal coils
In your fingertips when you try to write about it,

Especially when you say bad things about it
It’ll zap your hackles, thump your pericardium 

It’ll say Why all the bad press, Holmes?
Am I not the one who drew the map & put you
On it?

I say it’s time to pay the cartographer



Always the character who needs work
Never the one who’s so far ahead
They die @ 25

Jenny Schecter
She just wears that she’s so damaged...

Hasn’t found that metaphormula
Needed to dream or astral project it away…]

I’m standing here on the page
And you’re hurling parsley & pumpkins &
Root vegetables & prime numbers

I’m dropping the mic, 
Hurling my heart & squirting defensive ink
From my array of radio towers, sucker-punching the silence

Iambic tentacle circling your throat in Sharpie
Sharp elastic digging skin
Bandy Bandito
Bandolero Burro
Bad hombre

Your necktie is bleeding
All the way down the border…



Hey you still with me?? Remember to get your submissions in before the 31st. As always, art submissions are lagging behind poetry but I still need plenty of both! 

1 comment:

  1. Vogon Poetry Roux!!!!!

    Yes I am a fan of the mind altering drug called Vogon Poetry. From the disjointed mind quakes to the excessive use of apostrophes my cerebral cortex is reeling as it catches glimpses of the future mixed with pain of the past in a stew of bubbling now.

    My opinion is that each, if there is a natural separation to a stream of conciseness, poem should be read over and over until the reader passes out and in the dream that follows all will be explained. It is a new kind of writing that does not use words as a pencil drawing an image, but a straw broom dipped in paint and randomly applied to everything at once. Only when the paint dries can you see the image.

    And then there are the pictures!!!!! Love that kitty. The first one with Pixel against the Calypso paint under the skeletal wall hanging. It has all been an inspiring moment that has stoked the fires of this creative engine. I think I can, I think I can...
