Monday, November 19, 2018

Happy Thanksgiving From The Octopus Review

Friends & Fans of The Octopus Review—

Heeding a lesson from last year, we here at The O.R. (that’s me) will be taking the Judeo-Xtian holiday season off. 

I’ll start collecting your literary DNA samples again in Jan 2019 — 2019!!! The 2010s are almost over folks!

So, yeah, I hope you all have time to get crazily creative these last few weeks of ’18. I also hope you have lots to be thankful for. As stupid & scary as the world is right now, I’m still thankful to be writing & drawing & enjoying the fuck out of myself a few times a day.

Easy-Peasy Pumpkin Peasy Pumpkin Pie motherfucker & other Thanksgiving cliches to y’all!!!



Tuesday, November 6, 2018

October VOGON Overstock


I was so busy in October I didn’t think I’d written very much Vogon poetry, but damn it, I have. So set your attention spans to 11, and try to enjoy the flow of all these words (w/ no new art accompanying them). 


I lit the light yellow edges of this page & here’s what happened:

“Faith” was mistaken for “fetish”

I have $$$ but my vision is poor; my failing eyes’ mistakes
Describe the world perfectly
Today “tonic water” became “toxic waste”

Optical elusiveness; my body betrays
and I’m behind on Tarot sonnets (interpretive dance 
Slowed by October’s dominoes,

Responding to my ring finger’s index of depleted phone #s)

You have the voice of a psichiatryst; I have the voice of a molotov cocktail
(& I don’t even drink)

This is not ketchup. I don’t do red foods. No meat. No tomatoes. 
No roses on/off cake.

My stomach started to bleed onto my tongue (a radio tower)
My eyes frothed at the news & my heart

Lay still for the butcher (I didn’t report till 30 years later)

The ‘80s were very rapey. I lived there. There were no safe spaces.
We should stop laughing @ the wrong things 

& clapping.






pierce Pence pincers

All these causes,

   but only one hushed
            mushrooming head
               (pending special effect)

This permeates our living rooms
                 Our sinuses & urethras
                   Our nephrons & dendrites

This is a tapestry woven
     By simultaneous cultures w/
        No knowledge of one another

Yet look how strikingly similar their balks at reality!

You have the voice of a shaman; I have the voice of a teenage witch

Now which one of us
Does the world take,



10/7 = a significant date for my senses

Especially in years ending in ‘3’ — 1983 — 2003 — 2013 — a dream I can still remember — a lightbulb moment worthy of crushed sockets — love @ first sight accompanied by hands-free orgasm — Decorum is my least favorite word these days — call me when you speak telepath-ese




The game of Life is not to be played
As someone else

If you’re a top hat don’t pretend to be a thimble

If you’re a verse don’t pretend you’re a flame

Also…I saw your eldest daughter’s eyes & she now has doubts 
About you

Does that matter,
as she approaches that age of non-consent?

An entitled white girl born
During the female empowerment boom
Watched as her dad masterminded its crash

If there are any rapey boys left in the world, they’ll
Torment her through HS & college
First with words & stones
Later w/ closets & phone cords (leftover in the walls’ original wiring



You never would’ve thought of that, would you?

I like pointing out things people never think of
Because their chemicals haven’t gone as rogue as mine
On their wet mustangs

My mind didn’t just wander it created new pathways & 
Poured brand new concrete cocktails
down the throats of gagging neurons  these artisan emotions 
Responsible for the fastest wave of evolution

Humanitor has known so far

(Did I ask you already? Foreplay or floor pie?

Frat boy or sore girl?

Doll fin or fish dick?

I’m appalled by this & don’t even 
know what it means. It means stars are fat, not dust.
Light is gooey, not pure. Sex is like small talk 
turned to telepathy. No one does it anymore.

[And they cringe to read about it on microfilm
MAGA zine (article)S]



It’s blustery today, said Pooh

That’s the best thing about the goth tropics,
squealed Piglet

Hurricanes aren’t goth, they’re emo,
Rabbit boasted

It’s true, Owl concurred 
Hurricanes haven’t been goth since 1987. They’re totally
Emo now

If hurricanes are emo
Then what is a tropical depression?
Asked the droning monotone at the back of the microphone

Your sarcasm isn’t appreciated Eeyore. Tropical depressions
have always been Goth and always will be, admonished the Kangaroo
because as the only female character in the 100 Acre Wood (aside from Xtopher Robin
,of course, ) 
it was definitely her job to admonish

The baby kangaroo started to cry (was he a girl too??)

The hurricane blew in
Wearing orange & blk pinstripes & a lisp



Hello my new double-wide stream-of-consciousness diary. Let’s time travel:

10-17-98: This Was A Strange Time

Not a fun time to remember

I found the love of my life & we went on a cross country road trip

[But that sounds SO fun! (it was)]

Picnicking for hours in Griffith Park, the strobe of dying leaves 
across the tables,

we conceived of Fine Spirits, a show about dead & living 
Commingling like ashes across the astral divide (television)

Bodyless voice, appropriating ghost culture
Black or middle eastern angels providing narration,
These dialects rejected by Hollywood 

LOVE LAUGHTER LEAFLIGHT DANCES — it’s good to remember,
Right? Our serious visit to Forest Lawn mowed down
By dozens of other star morticians? Our letters home from Lothlorian,

Broad Ripple, Boulder, 
Moab (where I refrained from the cliffs) Zion (where
someone’s big depression caused a flood)

even Vegass, the gutterful of glitter. And noise. The noise of
I am no one.

We left early & sent a week’s worth of letters from Hollywood instead.

“Didn’t you guys fight the whole time?” your work buddies asked. “Me & my wife

would’ve fought non-stop.”

It made me want to drive back to Utah & spit in the canyon (again)
To know we were expected to hate each other as “man” & “woman”
That most other people did… and called it love anyway…

That was the narrative, the dialect Hollywood would never reject

No, we didn’t fight. I fought my own grotesque sadness
at the edge of each canyon, in the moist throat of the forest, 
Yes even in Vegas, 

Where being no one cured nothing

I sat at the edge 
Hating the woman, pushing her into 
The spider web
The river whose clay footprint (de)formed her
I held her down till she manned up
Till she rode the virtual rollercoaster & still
Sat at the buffet

We were photogenic
Which means we took our film to the drugstore after the
Whole trip was over &
Waited 24 hours to see if we did all the things
We thought we did

And here’s the part that’s hard to remember —
           We came home to a haunted house, 
                Spiking gender dysphoria,
                   An abominable snow-colored pack animal
Biting back at my “authority”

I went back to real unscripted death — messy, sloppy bodies
         That reminded me of me
I was in love which meant sex, but I didn’t want
            To be the female half

So I wrote & wrote & played in the blood of others
& snapped at the fireman’s funeral because I saw how his
Shotgun blast ended in a silent jaw

& nothing else, unless of course Heaven is Las Vegas

& there’s always cremation

The dog wouldn’t let me in. I spoke the cat’s english. I lacked
play. I lacked.

The dog was jealous. The dog was entitled. The dog was white, yes
I applied for a credit card & ordered as many coats as I could
To cover up my sloppy body. He still didn’t like me.

I made him explain why he loved the things he loved
We enrolled the dog in school yet somehow I was the student
& I learned how to be tendon, not bone

He explained it to the best of his ability & I still couldn’t understand
I returned to scripted, unconvincing death
I knew the boom was coming, and all it lacked
Would one day be its strength

Oct 17, 1998. A Sadderday I don’t like to remember. 

I would tell the angry little embalmer to look into her crystal scalpel
At the future she wrote & wrote & edited & rewrote & edited & sent 
To the tailor, the tinker, the agent, the thief

Look at the familiar stranger who will come to inhabit your mirror
When you go under the needle
Master the art of hedonism & then fall from its perilous High

For months, & months & months… look how your love stuck by your side
You are still on that road trip
You bought a tour bus, then upgraded to a spaceship

But your vessel still lurches forward
Look out the window of your forehead
& see the galaxies grazing like cows

(The end of ’98 was one of the hardest times of my life & I 
don’t often think about it. But you can’t change 
the 20-Year Time Travel Game. I’m stuck there for the next few
months          will I be able fix the past?

A nosebleed view of the valley
An inner landscape w/out a leash)



I finally reached the Star
By ascending the ruins of every Tower I ever was

The elevators tipped like sarcophagi

Add up the miles

Skyline’s missing tooths & the bony steeple,
The holy stripper pole, the concrete anther
Draw no flies, or upright corpses

The radio tower’s battered metal hide
Will be the bannister,
Hold on

There’s vertigo in these cards
Have I counted all the minor towers, the leaners, the arches
The non-manmade sculptures?

I’ve reached the mezzanine of space! 
Time to spit into the smoldering lobby



Since white people are only allowed to write about
Their shitty jobs,
Their love lifes™ (good or bad)
Their cats, kids & plants
And what they watch on TV…

…I’ve decided to write erotic, yet speculative
Fiction for old used up children who were once turned on
By instinct as raw as an oyster

They’re the ones who invented fun
After millennia of hard work & industry

Booming mad (not great) men
And whim (men)

w/ Gen X genes sparse
In the pool, on the streets & sheets,
Appropriating the rainbow & feminizing (ruining)
“Fun” for everyone

Tools of the Unsupervised Age — the latchkey alcoholics
Liquid Bronze Age, Silver label. no wonder we crave opioids
These bodies carry pain like different vessels

Some are suitcases on the carousel, some are voluntary
Voodoo dolls attacked by sandspurs & porcupine quills

Gen X, you took it too far, the underachievement (what 
an underbite on reality)
You studied & ranted,
Raved & recovered… or never
Strayed @ all. Peer pressured into 
Pentecostal rebellion against lax, loud, liberal
Parents who bombed bigtime

What was that Boom?? I didn’t hear anything.

Boom, divorce.
Denial, bang
Dumb ring
Tone (boom) deaf



Since I’m only 72% white,
I will write this beige sonnet

In the voice of a sparrow-mouse
In the voice of a yoga instructor 

Breathless voice of 1968

Airplane voice, indoor voice
Jazz voice

I’ll write in 72% non-white voice, I’ll write in anyone’s foreign accent@@

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Because I can’t afford empathy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What were we saying? Oh yeah: stand tall & speak
Like a windmill
Strong circular arguments
Retweet after me I am the weather machine



Sometimes (mornings mostly)

I imagine I’m a rotting pear tree
A sticky sap that curdles the skin

From the reversed fruit (pears, cherries, lemons)
Squoze on the platter to soften the stink

A rotting pear tree in the morning & an
       Atrophied slot machine by 3:17

Post-meridien pear-shaped
That’s an insult in England. The whole thing’s gone

When it rains human blood, or rocks turn to
It’s not a happy assessment

My brother threw a pear at me, so I never ate one

Ever. He plucked it from the fancy basket at
The 4 star hotel our grandma stored us in & fastballed it
At my face

It was one of those bright green ones — Granny Smith
Not the speckled yellow variety, or the brown mushy kind
I used to watch kids pull from their lunch pails & eat anyway…

The kryptonite pear smacked the side of my nose & 
an inkjet of red squirted from my optic nerve

Later I learned
I owned a pear-shaped organ that would bleed for the rest of my life

I wanted it to be green, ripe for picking & throwing away

But I knew it was probably the color of that dog
Rotting behind the baseball field
After the maggots slurped the technicolor sweetmeats
A gravy that once was red

I knew pear-shaped women were undesirable & I should 
Keep myself carrot-shaped,
Or celery-shaped
By eating those things & worshipping
Redrawn boundaries

A mushrooming 
At the head of the pin & no one 
Calls the holocaust on its fungoid physique

On Xmas 2016 a decadent dessert set before me
Tiny pears floating in sweet cream & oh how my mouth watered
& my nose didn’t bleed, so I stuck my spoon in…

And barely survived 2017.



You’re allowed to make mistakes
But you have to fix them before the egg timer tweets
There’s more food in your belly
Than you agreed to swallow
Why does everyone suddenly love Apollo, jeez?
You better thank Dionysus
On your gratitude list that nothing about you is
Food, or fruit
You’re all hardware & engine parts
You’re no friend of the maggots
You have no idea what it’s like to need a band-aid

1023:0900p (wow, that’s Vogon^^^)


There’s blood in the chlorine,
                                    but how can you tell?
The body surfing the deep end whispered
                   blue lines (not streaks)
       Actual typeset death dates

Get your Mueller elbows off the table
   Spaghetti arms are not allowed
        Use your noodle when
            Paddling from concrete shoreline
                               to rusted shelf-life

Today I reached my top shelf
The one where answers are easily @ hand
           Not digital canned goods
     Stacked like answers in a pyramid
              Bunkered greens & I
   Stop armchair advocating
From this marginal sideline bleacher

Sports anthem cleaned before the can opener
                Both kneel, gadget-like
    They’ve been scraped off like sparkly scabs
              Both genuflect before the mop
& aisle 9 is declared Hot Zone 3



I’m scheduled to fall in love today & I
                                                 can’t wait!
It’s been 2 decades since I fell &
                             what a parachute!
                         Less wind, more string
I fell from this cloud & that…
A series of insubstantial tree branches
Broke my skin (including the one I was hung from
                                     before taxes)

As I grew tired of reading re: WWIII
The currents decided it was time for an upgrade
We need new war stories they said
The old ones have been memorized,
                             or memorialized, or spat upon,
                                 or grass-stained
Green-blooded football jodhpurs 
                  transported back to loincloth times

             It’s lovely Eve, apricot Eve,
                      lollipop Eve
But first, your shots
But first, the waiting room
But first, the infection
But first, the sharing of water, apple, vapor, or humor
But first a fundraiser (for upgrades that are
But FIRST!!! an issue of maximum impact
A square page extracted from a hobbit hole
                    But first,

                 Head first
             Broken noose
        Catheter stuck in the thigh

1028:0400a (eeek)


October blisters
Polar bear mimosa
On water risen higher than noon

High rise winter residence
No longer vacation from summer

NOW is a season
THEN is a sentence

I found your words leftover
At brunchtime on the table
Guilty sentences, bitemarks,
Crusts of sourdough
Let’s iceberg,
           honeydew, & powdered sugar

Your are not the only one to hear this drowned voice
w/ ice water ears,
             frozen corn is all for thanksgiving & isn’t 
                             it enough??
Giant bear skull in aisle 6, dug out 
               of ice caps & placed on
                  Santa’s sleigh
                  (alien)  (UFO)




You’re all eyes
Even in your sleep you’re seeing

Who are you? Who cares?
I’ll call you rabbit ears

Today we carved pumpkins together
My insomnia & I

Somehow ‘I’ is the wrong pronoun
But I’m sure it was me

In the afternoon shadows
W/ my brand new old-age pains

Will my hands ever not hurt again?
Who are they hurting?

Who cares. I’ll call you
& tell you my back is broken like a phone

Though it’s impolite
I stare at my jackal interns all night

Staring, pointing
@ the deformities I carved for them

Deformities I was willing
To love about them

One is angry (of course)
One has been in a terrible accident

It wasn’t me! I was asleep
And dreaming of pop culture informants




On Monday 10/29 there was a road rage incident
And it wasn’t mine

I was the traffic cone ace
In the shotgun chamber, unmoved by fire,

While windmills tilted, then fell, the flickering lawns,

Uncrossed arms,
The secondary greens & oranges muddied
A tertiary sunset

Know your wheel, if you’re colorblind
& still want to be a great painter,
look both ways, machinery w/ wings (hold onto that)

Remember your turn signal, do not
Flinch in your direction, use emergency
Flashers virtuously

Worship at the gas pumps of suburbia
Hold up your phone like you’re calling the cops

Here come the bait
Decapitated under hoods

Still holding the cigarettes of last century
Like scythes, while baring illegal plates

Your cousins in the caravan
W/ blistered feet

And here we are in a hurry to get home
Away from people like you



Jared, please
Stage fright becomes you

Enhances your guilt

Will you forge/stage
A gaslit/floodlit

Intervention, child

Proxy of orange loins

The enemy’s lions
Won’t gobble all the bent crosses

Don’t wanna spook the henhouse

(Here I am telling Jared Kushner what to wear again
But the nazis are coming
The whistles are chirping like chainsaws
Like apple-cutters
Like every tool in the shed)



           Happy Samhain

From my insomnia to yours
      I’m forever on watch
Over the rezoned pumpkin patch
   Fabled reconstruction site
Of the ripped up constitution

Scaffolds, barricades; facelift, footprint;
        Reboot rabbit’s foot
Soundtrack from the 1920s
            Speak easy

Or forever rely on keyboard 
You love law & order till they try to wrest
           Your cocktail

Of pheromones, 
               your tax return/psych eval

Cuff your metacarpals
                   to the bench

The world is running out of phone #s
Please don’t ever call me again

