Hey Friends,
I want to take you back to the day before the election. Mon Nov 7, 2016 was a rather strange day for me. I'm usually a peaceful little hobbit minding my own business at home & rarely do I seek the noise of "out there." But every once in awhile a day takes a wrong turn and you find yourself walking far, far from home to get away from the ominous drone in your head.
Drone of one's own sudden locomotive urge and a sense that something is so wrong in the world you may kill yourself if you don't walk out the front door & keep going til you reach the sanctuary of your youth…
…the place where you spent so many hours trying to feel like the sun & the trees & the stars & even the blood that ran through you belonged as much to you as to the people who claimed it all freely & loudly w/out ever questioning whether it was theirs….
…the place that's undergone its own drastic transition since you last took refuge there in your 20s….
I walked an hour to get there, among the people and the beautiful banyans…and I continued to feel "weird"--no words for it--not my occasional T rage, not the excruciating anxiety of 2015, nor the overflowing sadness of '14---but a sickening combo of all that plus a dollop of some new ingredient I didn't recognize.
Of course now I recognize it as that psychic ailment I get when big weird things are just around the corner.
Here's a …..poem…..I wrote while out of my hobbitzone
Not the infinite coda of worry
Premature electorate
Orange death rattle softens to static
White noise left over from all races
Popcorn hisses & licorice whacks
I had to leave the house today
AWOL from my hermit stronghold
Painfully detached from self, others, breakdown, recovery
All that work to piece my stained glass facets into a parable
Worth a new gospel, grown up coloring book wax on shrieking alabaster
White house of padded worship, isolationism
I volunteered to be a one-way sensory overload; a listener for life
All around the thrust of voices, pistons striking my whole organic amphitheater temple
No congregation shall be powered by
Sick children
Nail polish bitch bishops taking over private homo church
And its secretly sick adults
Sports w/ balls or politics
Poker Pokemon Pox VOX POP
Broken A/C rescue dog nipping sick sad children under vestments
Histrionic bitemark appears to be a somatic apparition deacon
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Banyan canopy above my picnic |
So I walked
Far from all those memories of WHY
Why I remain a) alive b) alone c) unable to reach my closest primate relatives without plugging into
Streaky blue small talk chakra / direct current here but alternating in afterlife transactions
My larynx smashed against my jawbone
The dragonfly thought it was a dog I begged it to heal my flattened heart
I begged for its contempt but it smiled and went to have drinks w/ a helicopter
International airport lifts the lonely cat-free child-heavy crowd so I can pass
Now I practice
Giving no shits "HELLO!" I shout at the rough hewn mister whose home is in the permanent sun
Or was red from crying at a severed phone service, or who just paid a boy still fuzzy & equine for a
Right swipe reach around in Starbuck's upstairs shit pantry.
Not overthinking his precondition how "HELLO" will hit him
Like I always overthink a thing and end up unfriendly
Most words never make it past my teeth and flow through my fingers instead
But I shoved my voice in his face
Like all voices & opinions are shoveled at me faster than I can
Dig out of my reverie
Of course I got no response which flicked the
Sarcasm on/off on/off on/off til it caught fire & I belted at the grey-collars
Driving their golf cart down the sidewalk "Get the fuck outta the way!" aka "Punch me!"
I never would've begged for rape's pink slip
But I'll put in a request for a black eye
Who the fuck is my new hormone boss?
Stuporvise me. I enter the newly gated & scaffolded Xingxing Xxxxxm Grxxnds where
I once freely walked & sat & sketched & danced & fantasized & kissed the naked rears of statues
But where I am accosted by elderly wXmXn more afraid than I of home's resounding hive-silence
Telling me I need to check in at the desk before I can sit or walk or sketch
"WHAT FOR??" I say w/out over or underthinking or caring or worrying how it will reflect on my upbringing or if anyone will want to hurt me for it
"We need you to leave your zipcode at the desk"
I proceed right to the outdoors and no one volunteers to stop me.
Octopus colony of banyans beyond rose garden thorned with babies & sunlight. I try benches for thrones, picnic tables like a fairy princess. I am not at home. The world reeks of oysters but not my own.
Moment of clarity: I'm not so separate from others as I am from my own greatness.
I never met that clone. When you see no end to loneliness your sleight of overthought comes to the rescue
My privilege to be lonely for no common you's & they's could corrupt my program
Crude as a lite brite, future spirograph flower more angelic than 011110010110100101110000
The lips that drip like hoses, the faces unzipped for every needling notion
Too patterned for my wild genius
Right. No one flowers after eons of clarity lead only to
Intellect w/ no angelic emotional oversight
You haven't clenched that moment and stretched it into a terminal masterpiece
Your claw-machine loosens its grip
On that fuzzy little chicken-beats-egg thesis
Lost to sick kids, dogs
Broken hunger nail polish chipped window enamel rectangle hacked
A great oboe-blast of wind and children barking me away to a new spot where i write, pelicans splash,
German tourists drag their sandals What would Hitler say?
Fussen auf! Marz!
More children drawn to my angry genderless personal space
I offer a gentlemanly 'hi' to the boy in glasses
Who hovers like a mosquito too close to my nerves
And like a charm my acknowledgement disperses him
A flock of tiny molecules who need their mother
More than a sweaty stranger on a harsh covalence of bench
[I need liquid. But which restroom will I use?]
I could feel Satan within a 10 mile radius
So I ended up in the men's room first time since over saturating news w/ potty mouth debate
Made me a glaring error A room for emperors w/ no mirror
To watch your plastic lunchmeat genitals leak
I almost hoped for a run-in w/ a gender nazi
A sausage inquisitor or heart-attackable G-pa
But I was alone in there with all my power
All right. That was a poem about my Hobbity little adventure before the election. I'm sure there will be more days like that one…I can feel it in the air, oh lord. But I'm ready for whatever comes, whatever I have to do to survive it. I found the courage to use the men's room unironically, but now I'm back to being scared again. I wish bravery was something I had all the time, but no…I only get it when I'm jacked up on adrenaline and cortisol and metabolized T.
I'll be back sometime w/ more adventures.